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Vladimir Motal
In Gedenken an meinen Professor 1972-76 an der FH München
14.02.2020 um 01:11 Uhr von andii pendletonMargret, my name is andii, a long time partner to Dick Lomberg, in USA. Dick an old old friend of Klaus, as you know. I have things around my home, on an island in the state of Maine, , that Klaus would bring when he visited the states. I guess those were the 1970's. But seem like yesterday. And Klaus did come to the island at least once, that I recall .... oh, actually twice. There is a picture of him helping Dick haul the sailboat from Connecticut to Maine. I am sad for your loss and hope that he did not suffer deep sympathy to you and your family. I recently have been thinking of Klaus, and Dick and those old days.... and just tried to find his Facebook or Email. My very best to you....and do you have Hermann Kienscherf (not sure of spelling) address?? I just lost touch with everybody after Dick died. Hope you find this note one day! Sincerely, Andii Pendleton May our loved ones rest in peace.
13.02.2020 um 23:27 Uhr von andii pendletonMargret, my name is andii, a long time partner to Dick Lomberg, in USA. Dick an old old friend of Klaus, as you know. I have things around my home, on an island in the state of Maine,, that Klaus would bring when he visited the states. I guess those were the 1970's. But seem like yesterday. And Klaus did come to the island at least once, that I recall .... oh, actually twice. There is a picture of him helping Dick haul the sailboat from Connecticut to Maine. I am sad for your loss and hope that he did not suffer long ..... my deep sympathy to you and your family. I recently have been thinking of Klaus, and Dick and those old days .... and just tried to find his Facebook or Email. My very best to you .... and do you have Hermann Kienscherf (not sure of spelling) address ?? I just lost touch with everybody after Dick died. Hope you find this note one day! Sincerely, Andii Pendleton May our loved ones rest in peace.

andii pendleton
Gedanken und Gedenken
24.08.2019 um 20:12 Uhr von Oliver SchmidtErst jetzt sehe ich, dass mein Hochschul-Kollege Klaus Jamin vor zwei Jahren verstorben ist. Klaus Jamin habe ich auf und am Rande vieler ITBs in Berlin getroffen, und was ich an ihm schätzte, war seine Art zu netzwerken. Mehrmals haben wir innerhalb kürzester Zeit Kontakte geknüpft und ausgetauscht, blitzschnell war er da, wenn es galt, eine interessante zwischenmenschliche Verbindung aufzubauen. Die Gespräche mit ihm waren mir stets eine Bereicherung. Traurig sehe ich heute, dass sie nicht wiederkehren werden, und denke wie so oft: Man hätte noch viel mehr Austausch betreiben und sich gegenseitig mit guten Ideen inspirieren können. Zu spät. Klaus Jamin - gute Reise, Dich würde ich gern eines Tages wiedersehen!